
A point $x$ blocks two points $p$ and $q$ if $x$ is in the interior of the open segment $pq$. A point set $B$ blocks a point set $S$ if, for every $p,q\in \binom{S}{2}$, the is an $x\in S$ that blocks $p$ and $q$. We call $b$ a blocking set. For $S\subset\R^2$, define \[ b(S) = \min\{|B|: \text{$B$ blocks $S$}\} \] and for $n\in\N$, define \[ b(n) = \min\left\{b(S): S\in \binom{\R^2}{n},\, \text{$S$ in general position}\right\} \]

Determine the growth of $b(n)$.

There is a linear lower bound: $b(n) \ge 2n-3$ because every edge of a triangulation of $S$ needs its own blocker. The constant $2$ can be improved 1, but no superlinear lower bound is known. The best upper-bound is due to Pach, who gives examples of $n$-point sets in general position that have only $n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ midpoints.

The survey by Pór and Wood covers this and many related problems, including the next one.


The midpoint of two points $p$ and $q$ is the point $(p+q)/2$. Let $\mu(n)$ denote the smallest number of distinct midpoints determined by (the $\binom{n}{2})$ pairs of points in) an $n$ point set in general position, i.e., \[ \mu(n) = \min\left\{(p+q)/2 : p,q\in\binom{S}{2}, |S|=n,\, \text{$S$ in general position}\right\} \]

Determine the growth of $\mu(n)$.

As mentioned above, Pach shows that $\mu(n)\le n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ and also that $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \mu(n)/n = \infty$. This proof is repeated by Matousek. Stanchescu gives a more concrete lower bound $\mu(n)\in\Omega(n(\log n)^{\delta})$ for any $\delta < 1/8$.