
A family $\mathcal{F}$ of sets is $d$-Helly if every finite $(d+1)$-wise intersecting subfamily of $\mathcal{F}$ has a non-empty common intersection. For example, the family of convex sets in $\R^d$ is $d$-Helly.

This project is concerned with families of sets derived from subsets of vertices in a given graph $G$. Some definitions:

For a (unweighted simple undirected) graph $G$, and two vertices $v,w\in V(G)$, let $d_G(v,w)$ be the length of the shortest path from $v$ to $w$ in $G$. For a vertex $v\in V(G)$ and an integer $r$, define the radius-$r$ ball centered at $v$ as $B_G(v,r) = \lbrace w\in V(G): d_G(v,w)\le r \rbrace$. A graph $G$ is ball $d$-Helly if the family \[ \mathcal{B}_G = \lbrace B_G(v,r): v\in V(G), r\in\N \rbrace \] of balls in $G$ is $d$-Helly.

A graph $G$ is neighbourhood $d$-Helly if the family \[ \mathcal{N}_G = \lbrace B_G(v,1): v\in V(G) \rbrace \] of unit balls in $G$ is $d$-Helly.

A maximal clique in a graph $G$ is a subset $C\subseteq V(G)$ such that $G[C]$ is a clique but $G[C\cup\lbrace w\rbrace]$ is not a clique for every $w\in V(G)\setminus C$. Then $G$ is clique $d$-Helly if the family \[ \mathcal{C}_G = \lbrace C\subseteq V(G): \text{$C$ is a maximal clique in $G$} \rbrace \] is $d$-Helly.

A graph $G$ is subgraph-$d$-Helly if the family \[ \mathcal{S}_G = \lbrace S\subseteq V(G): \text{$G[S]$ is connected} \rbrace \] is $d$-Helly.

Ball $1$-Helly Graphs

The class of ball $1$-Helly graphs is well understood. For example Theorem 3.1 in this paper by Bandelt and Chepoi shows that the following statements are equivalent:

  1. $G$ is ball $1$-Helly.
  2. $G$ is retract of strong product of paths.
  3. $G$ is a dismantlable clique-Helly graph.
  4. $G$ is a pseudo-modular graph in which the family of unit balls is $1$-Helly.
  5. For every vertex $v$ in a diametrical pair, there exists a vertex $w$ dominating $v$ and $G-\lbrace v\rbrace$ is an absolute retract.
  6. For any $\pi:V(G)\to\R_{\ge 0}$, the eccentricity function $e_\pi:V(G)\to\R_{\ge 0}$ defined as $e_\pi(x)=\max\lbrace \pi(v)\cdot d_G(x,v): v\in V(G)\rbrace$ is unimodal.

Retraction, Retracts, and Absolute Retracts: A map $\varphi:V(G)\to V(G)$ is a retraction if $d_G(\varphi(v),\varphi(w))\le d_G(v,w)$ for every $v,w\in V(G)$. The subgraph $G[\lbrace\varphi(v):v\in V(G) \rbrace]$ is called a retract of $G$. (TODO: Define absolute retract.)

Dismantlable: There exists an ordering $v_1,\ldots,v_n$ of $V(G)$ such that for every $i\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,n\rbrace$, there is a $j\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,i-1\rbrace$ such that $v_iv_j\in E(G)$ and $v_j$ dominates $v_i$ in $G[\lbrace v_1,\ldots,v_i\rbrace]$.

Properties of Planar Ball $1$-Helly graphs

What can we say about planar graphs that are ball $d$-Helly?

Lemma A: A triangulation is dismantlable if and only if it is a 3-tree.

Proof: For every $t\in\N$, every $t$-tree $G$ is dismantlable since every $t$-tree is either a $(t+1)$-clique or contains a vertex $v_n$ whose neighbours form a clique and such that $G-\lbrace v_n\rbrace$ is a $t$-tree. Thus, every planar 3-tree is dismantable. Next we show that every dismantlable triangulation is a 3-tree.

Let $G$ be a dismantlable triangulation and let $v_1,\ldots,v_n$ be a dismantling of $G$. Let $\delta$ be the degree of $v_n$ and let $w_1,\ldots,w_\delta$ be the neighbours of $v_n$ in $G$ in the order in which they appear in a planar embedding of $G$.

If $\delta=3$, then $G’=G-\lbrace v_n\rbrace$ is a triangulation and $G’$ is dismantlable (using the dismantling $v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1}$). Therefore, by induction, $G’$ is a 3-tree and $G$ is obtained by attaching a vertex $v_n$ to a 3-clique in $G’$, so $G$ is itself a 3-tree.

If $\delta\ge 4$ then, by the definition of dismantling, some vertex $w\in \lbrace v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1}\rbrace$ is adjacent to or is $w_i$ for each $i\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,\delta\rbrace$. By planarity, it must be the case that $w=w_i$ for some $i\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,\delta\rbrace$. Without loss of generality, assume $w=w_1$. Therefore, $K=\lbrace w_1,v,w_3\rbrace$ is a separating triangle and $G-K$ has two components: $C_0$ that contain $w_2$ and $C_1$ that contains $w_4$. Consider the two triangulations $G_0=G[V(C_0)\cup K]$ and $G_1=G[V(C_1)\cup K]$.

We claim that $G_a$ is dismantlable for each $a\in\lbrace 0,1\rbrace$. In particular, the subsequence $v_{i_1},\ldots,v_{i_\ell}$ of $v_1,\ldots,v_n$ containing only those vertices in $V(G_a)$ is a dismantling of $G_a$. To see this, consider $v_{i_j}$ for some $j\in\lbrace 2,\ldots,\ell\rbrace$. Now, $N_{G[v_1,\ldots,v_{i_j}]}(v_{i_j})\supseteq N_{G_a[v_{i_1},\ldots,v_{i_j}]}(v_{i_j})$ and there exists a vertex $v_k$, $k\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,v_{i_j-1}\rbrace$ that dominates $v_{i_j}$ in $G[v_1,\ldots,v_{i_j}]$. If $v_k\in V(G_a)$ then $v_k\in \lbrace v_{i_1},\ldots,v_{i_j-1}\rbrace$ and we are done. Otherwise, $v_k\in V(C_{1-a})$ and is therefore not adjacent to any vertex in $V(C_a)$. Since $v_k$ is adjacent to $v_{i_j}$, $v_{i_j}$ must therefore be a vertex in $K$. Therefore, $N_{G_a[v_{i_1},\ldots,v_{i_j}]}(v_{i_j})\subseteq K$. But since $K$ is a clique, $v_{i_j}$ is dominated in $G_a[v_{i_1},\ldots,v_{i_j}]$ by some other vertex in $K$.

Therefore each of $G_0$ and $G_1$ is a dismantlable triangulation so, by induction, each is a 3-tree. Therefore $G$ is obtained by gluing together the 3-trees $G_0$ and $G_1$ at a 3-clique so $G$ is itself a 3-tree. ∎

Theorem 1: Every ball 1-Helly triangulation $G$ is a planar 3-tree.

Proof: By Characterization 3 in the previous section every ball 1-Helly graph is dismantlable so, by Lemma A, every ball 1-Helly triangulation is a planar 3-tree. ∎

The interesting thing about Theorem 1 is that not every planar 3-tree is ball 1-Helly. In fact, the 3-tree with cliques $K_0=\lbrace1,2,3,4\rbrace$, $K_1=\lbrace 1,2,4,a\rbrace$, $K_2=\lbrace 1,3,4,b\rbrace$, $K_3=\lbrace 2,3,4,c\rbrace$, $K_4=\lbrace 2,3,c,x\rbrace$ is no 2-Helly. The unit balls centered at $a$, $b$, and $x$ are pairwise intersecting but empty common intersection. It should be possible to completely characterize the 1-Helly planar 3-trees.

Some Lemmata about Ball $d$-Helly Graphs

The following pair of observations is used in the proof of Theorem 2.2 of Bandelt and Prisner.

Observation 0: Let $G$ be a graph and let $xy\in E(G)$ be an edge such that $y$ dominates $x$. Then for every ball $b$ of $G-\lbrace x\rbrace$, there is a ball $b’$ of $G$ such that $b=b’\setminus \lbrace x\rbrace$.

Proof: Since $y$ dominates $x$, $d_G(v,w)=d_{G-\lbrace x\rbrace}(v,w)$ for every $v,w\in V(G-\lbrace x\rbrace)$. Therefore, for any $v,w\in V(G-\lbrace x\rbrace)$ and any $r\in\N$, $w\in B_{G-\lbrace x\rbrace }(v,r)$ if and only if $w\in B_G(v,r)$. ∎

Observation 0’: Let $G$ be a ball $d$-Helly graph and let $xy\in E(G)$ be an edge such that $y$ dominates $x$. Then $G-\lbrace x\rbrace$ is ball $d$-Helly.

Proof: Let $b_1,\ldots,b_n$ is a set of balls in $G-\lbrace x\rbrace$ that is $(d+1)$-wise intersecting. Then the corresponding balls $b_1’,\ldots,b_n’$ in $G$ are $(d+1)$-wise intersecting so, since $G$ is $d$-Helly, $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_i’$ is non-empty. If $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_i’$ contains $v\neq x$, then, by Observation 0, $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_i$ contains $v$ and we are done. If $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_i’$ contains $x$ then each of $b_1’,\ldots,b_n’$ must have radius at least 1 since none of $b_1’,\ldots,b_n’$ is centered at $x$. Therefore each of $b_1’,\ldots,b_n’$ has radius at least one and contains $x$. Therefore each of $b_1’,\ldots,b_n’$ also contains $y$. By Observation 0, $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_i$ contains $y$. ∎

Observation 1: Let $H$ be a graph is neighbourhood $d$-Helly but not neighbourhood $(d-1)$-Helly and let $G$ and be obtained by adding two apex vertices $v_1$ and $v_2$ to $H$. Then $G$ is neighbourhood $(d+1)$-Helly but not neighbourhood $d$-Helly.

Proof: First we show that $G$ is not neighbourhood $d$-Helly. Since $H$ is not neighbourhood $(d-1)$-Helly, there exists a $d$-wise intersecting set of unit balls $\lbrace B_H(v_i,1): i\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,n\rbrace\rbrace$ such that $\bigcap_{i=1}^n B_H(v_i,1)=\emptyset$. We use the shorthands $b_{H,i}:=B_H(v_i,1)$ and $b_{G,i}=B_G(v_i,1)$.

Observe that, for any two vertices $x,y\in V(H)$, $d_H(x,y)=d_G(x,y)$. Therefore, $b_{G,i}\cap V(H) = b_{H,i}$ for each $i\in\lbrace 1,\ldots,d+2\rbrace$. Therefore, $\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_{G,i} \subseteq V(G)\setminus V(H)$. Now consider the two balls $b_1=B_G(v_1,1)$ and $b_2=B_G(v_2,1)$ and observe that $b_1\cap b_2=V(H)$. Let $A:=\lbrace b_{G,1},\ldots,b_{G,n}, b_1,b_2\rbrace$.

So \[ \bigcap_{b\in A} b = \left(\bigcap_{i=1}^n b_{G,i}\right) \cap (b_1\cap b_2) \subseteq (V(G)\setminus V(H))\cap V(H) =\emptyset \enspace . \] We claim that $A$ is $(d+1)$-wise intersecting. Indeed, consider any $(d+1)$-element subset $X\subseteq A$. If $X$ contains neither $b_1$ nor $b_2$, then there is nothing to prove since $b_{G,i}\supseteq b_{H_i}$ and $b_{H,1},\ldots,b_{H,n}$ is $(d+1)$-wise intersecting. Otherwise $X=Y\cup Z$ where $Y\subseteq\lbrace b_1,b_2\rbrace$ and $Z\subseteq\lbrace b_{G,1},\ldots,b_{G,n}\rbrace$ is $(d+1)$-wise intersecting. Therefore, \[ \bigcap_{b\in A} b = \left(\bigcap_{b\in Y}^n b\right) \cap \left(\bigcap_{b\in Z} b\right) = V(H)\cap \left(\bigcap_{b_{G,i}\in Z} b_{G,i}\right) \supseteq V(H)\cap \left(\bigcap_{b_{G,i}\in Z} b_{H,i}\right) = \bigcap_{b_{G,i}\in Z} b_{H,i} \neq \emptyset \enspace . \] So $A$ is $(d+1)$-wise intersecting and $\cap A=\emptyset$, so $G$ is not neighbourhood $d$-Helly.

Next we show that $G$ is $(d+1)$-Helly. Let $B\subseteq \mathcal{N}_G$ be a $(d+2)$-wise intersecting set of unit balls in $G$. Then $B\setminus\lbrace b_1,b_2\rbrace$ is also $(d+2)$-wise intersecting so $\bigcap_{b\in B\setminus\lbrace b_1,b_2\rbrace} b$ is non-empty and contains at least one vertex of $H$. Therefore \[ \cap B= \bigcap_{b\in B\setminus\lbrace b_1,b_2\rbrace} b\cap (b_1\cap b_2)=\bigcap_{b\in B\setminus\lbrace b_1,b_2\rbrace} b\cap V(H) \] is non-empty. ∎

Structure of Ball 2-Helly Graphs

Lemma Z1: Let $G$ be a ball 2-Helly graph, let $C$ be a cycle in $G$ of length $2k$, $k\ge 2$, let $vw,\bar{w}\bar{v}\in E(C)$ be antipodal edges of $C$ (so that $d_C(v,\bar{v})=d_C(w,\bar{w})=k$). Then there exists $x\in V(G)$ such that $d_G(x,v),d_G(x,w)\le 1$ and $d_G(x,\bar{v}),d_G(x,\bar{w})\le k-1$.

Proof: Consider the balls $B_C(v,1)$, $B_C(w,1)$, $B_C(\bar{v},k-1)$, $B_C(\bar{w},k-1)$. These four balls in $C$ are $3$-wise intersecting and each ball is a subset of the corresponding ball in $G$, so there is some vertex $x\in V(G)$ in each of them. ∎

Lemma Z2: Let $G$ be a ball 2-Helly graph, let $C$ be a cycle in $G$ of length $2k+1$, $k\ge 2$, let $\bar{w}{v}\in E(C)$ be an edge of $C$, let $z\in V(C)$ be antipodal to $\bar{w}\bar{v}$ (so that $d_C(z,\bar{v})=d_C(z,\bar{w})=k$), and let $v,w\in V(C)$ be the neighbours of $z$. Then there exists $x\in V(G)$ such that $d_G(x,z),d_G(x,v),d_G(x,w)\le 2$ and $d_G(x,\bar{v}),d_G(x,\bar{w})\le k-1$.

Proof: Consider the five balls $B_C(z,2)$, $B_C(v,2)$, $B_C(w,2)$, $B_C(\bar{v},k-1)$, $B_C(\bar{w},k-1)$. These four balls in $C$ are $3$-wise intersecting and each ball is a subset of the corresponding ball in $G$, so there is some vertex $x\in V(G)$ in each of them. ∎