
The following problems are motivated by the problem of automatically placing log statements in order to differentiate execution paths, as in this paper. This title could be optimal log placement for disambiguating execution paths.

We are directed graph $G$, with a single source $s$ and at least one sink and a probability distribution over all (directed) source to sink paths in $G$. This input is given to us as a list of pairs $(P_i,p_i)$ where $P_i$ is a source to sink path and $p_i>0$. Any source to sink path not in this list is assumed to have probability 0.

The input distribution has an entropy $H=\sum_{i}p_i\log(1/p_i)$. It also induces weights on the vertices of $G$, where $w(v)=\sum_{i:v\in P_i} p_i$ is the probability that the chosen path includes $v$.

For a set $V’\subset V(G)$ and a path $P$ in $G$, we use $P\cap V’$ to denote the subsequence of vertices in $P$ that are contained in $X$. For a set $V’\subset V(G)$, define \[ H(V’) = \sum_{X\subseteq V’}\sum_{i:P_i\cap V’=X} p_i\log(1/p_i) \enspace , \] which measures the expected entropy after seeing $P_i\cap V’$.

Find a set $V'\subset V(G)$ such that $H(V')=0$ and $\sum_{v\in V'} w(v)$ minimized.
Given a $W>0$, find a set $V'\subset V(G)$ such that $\sum_{v\in V'} w(v)\le W$ and $H(V')$ is minimized.

To start, we can consider each of these problems when $G$ is acyclic.

Update: I posed this problem at the Hawaiian Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures. Progress is listed at workshop’s Coauthor site.