
Prove or disprove the following pizza-cutting conjecture: For any set of $kd$ measures $M_1,\ldots,M_{kd}$, in $\R^d$, there is a set of $k$ hyperplanes forming an arrangement $A$ whose cells can be 2-colored so that each of the measures is bisected by each of the colour classes.

Barba and Schnider (page 174) have proven this in $\R^2$ for $k=2$ using a clever application of the Stone-Tukey Theorem along with the fact that a pair of lines can be viewed as a degenerate conic section.

There is also the algorithmic question:

Give a fast algorithm for the case $k=d=2$ and each of the four measures is a set of $n$ points.

An $O(n^4)$ time algorithm is fairly easy. Do better.