
$\DeclareMathOperator{\dist}{dist}$Sasanka Roy gave a talk about vehicle routing problems that have the following kind of flavour:

We are given a set $S=\lbrace f_1,\ldots,f_n\rbrace$ of curves and we want to find a maximum subset $S’\subseteq S$ such that, for any two $f_i,f_j\in S’$ there is no time $0\le t\le 1$ such that $f_i(t)=f_j(t)$. (Think of these curves as planned vehicle trajectories and $f_i(t)=f_j(t)$ represents a collision that occurs if we let vehicle $i$ and vehicle $j$ proceed with their planned trajectories.)

Sasanka showed us that most versions of these problems are NP-hard, at least. This is true even when the curves are L-shapes, all of the same size, and trajectories have constant speed. There are constant factor approximations for some of these cases.

Maybe a more interesting question is about variations on this problem that Sasanka suggested: The input is $S=\lbrace f_1,\ldots,f_n \rbrace$ where $f_i:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}^2$ is a continuous function. We then want to assign each vehicle a delay $t_i\ge 0$ so that, for any $f_i,f_j\in S$ there is no time $t\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $\dist(f_i(t-t_i), f_j(t-t_j)) \le 1$. We want to do this so that the maximum delay is minimized (or maybe the maximum completion time; think more about definitions here).

These are surely hard problems in full generality, but there are natural lower bounds you can get by lifting each curve into 3-D and fattening it into a unit tube: Then, if there exists a vertical that whose total intersection with these tubes has length $\ell$, then $\ell$ represents the minimum make-span. Can we find schedules that approximate this?